Who could not forget how your grandparents spoiled you when you are younger? Or how they took care of you when you are sick while mom was at work?
Or when lola became your mother figure while the latter was working abroad? What about how lolo advised you on relationships because your father was an absentee dad?
It is now time for you to give back, or at least spend some quality time with your grandparents this weekend while the Vista Mall launched activities under the theme, “A Timeless Love: Lolo and Lola’s Day”, to celebrate the occasion.

The series of activities include Zumba, a virtual concert, and a health webinar, which Vista Mall prepared over the weekend. The activities are streamed live via Vista Mall’s Facebook account, @vistamallofficial.
Give your grannies some time to relax and listen to former “Star in A Million” finalist, Garth Garcia, during Vista Mall’s Grandparents Day Serenade today (Sept. 12).
Let lolo and lola dance to the groove, and listen to the music of the Fil-Am prince of OPM at 1 p.m. today. For sure, grandma and grandpa will be able to forget the woes of the pandemic, at least for a moment, while watching the concert.
For health advice, Vista Mall will also host a webinar dubbed as “How to keep our older adults safe and healthy during pandemic”, to be hosted by VCare Diagnostics with Dra. Abigail Pamintuan, MD as speaker (Sept. 12, 3p.m.)
Last Sept. 10, Vista Mall also tapped Teacher M for the Grand Zumba Day to give grandparents and their grandchildren to enjoy some stretching and body exercise.
The Vista Mall management also scheduled a “DIY Gifts for grandparents” webinar which was aired live on Saturday (Sept. 11, 2021, 3 p. m.) with Treveiamom, Christine Briones Plata who is espousing a toxin-free lifestyle. There was also live-selling event, where many items from Vista Mall and Starmall are up for grabs.
To mark the GrandParents’ Day, don’t forget to place your orders for Celebration Platters and have it delivered via GetAll Services.

Browse through Vista Mall and Starmall’s Takeout and Delivery Guide through these links: bit.ly/VistaMalls-TakeoutandDelivery and bit.ly/Starmalls-TakeoutandDelivery. For Get All service, please contact us on Viber at: 0915 219 0003, 09189111313 and 09173001313. For more details about Vista Mall and Starmall, please follow the official Facebook pages at www.facebook.com/vistamallofficial and www.facebook.com/StarmallOfficial or visit www.vistamalls.com.ph.