PhilHealth seals partnership with AMLC

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) and the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) have recently formalized a joint undertaking to “promote and encourage cooperation and coordination to effectively prevent, control, detect, investigate and prosecute unlawful and money laundering activities as well as terrorism financing.”

The partnership also “endeavors to cooperate in the areas of information exchange in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and capacity building measures to enhance the capability of both parties in addressing money laundering, terrorism financing and unlawful activities in the country.”

The said agreement will help the state health insurer to obtain needed “financial information in relation to any violation of laws that the PhilHealth is tasked to implement which would give rise to the commission of any unlawful activity under Section 3(i) of the Anti- Money Laundering Act of 2001, as amended, and money laundering activities…”

The pact was signed by PhilHealth President and CEO Atty. Dante A. Gierran (2nd from left) and AMLC Executive Director Atty. Mel Georgie B. Racela in a simple ceremony held in Pasig City. Also in photo are PhilHealth Acting Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Nerissa R. Santiago and AMLC Deputy Director Atty. Alvin L. Bermido.

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